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What is iContact?

Get iContact Free by visiting (link in bio), no credit card required! Professional email marketing from iContact helps businesses of all stages and sizes get results. From the small business just getting started to the professional marketer looking for strategies to maximize campaigns to the high-volume sender with 15,000 to 5 million+ subscribers, iContact offers a plan to meet every need.





DRAG AND DROP EDITING Our modern and intuitive interface simplifies message creation LIST MANAGEMENT All the tools you need to manage a growing and healthy email list PERSONAL COACHING From personal calls to videos to webinars, we’re here to help when you need us TECHNICAL SUPPORT Got questions? Our award-winning support team is ready with the answers and the help you need AUTORESPONDERS Schedule automated messages to engage and nurture subscribers over time SPAMCHECK Every message is reviewed to ensure your email reaches inboxes REPORTS Easily track campaign results for more profitable data-driven marketing SOCIAL MEDIA Reach beyond the inbox — amplify email campaigns and schedule messages on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn TECHNICAL SUPPORT Got questions? Our award-winning support team is ready with the answers and the help you need





A HEALTHY LIST Every marketer knows: it’s all about the subscriber list.

Our list management tools let you quickly add new contacts the right way. From sign-up forms on your website or Facebook page to easy tools to import subscriber lists, you’ll be building a great list in no time. Plus, enjoy the ease of bounceback handling and automatic subscription management. CUSTOMER CARE Life gets hectic when you’re growing a business.

Whether you’re new to email, or have previous experience, we know a busy marketer doesn’t have time to waste — we make sure you don’t have to. Our Customer Success Managers get you up to speed in your first 30 days.




And, only iContact gives every customer unlimited technical support, for the lifetime of their account. BEAUTIFUL EMAILS iContact’s sleek, modern interface helps you easily create an email experience that beautifully reflects your brand. With our fully customizable drag and drop theme editor, you can perfect and save row layouts, color palettes, typography, and content blocks to uniquely transform your brand marketing into responsive and compelling email messages.

THE PERSONAL TOUCH An email address is a gateway to personal communication with your audience. Learn more about your contacts by identifying their preferences at sign up. Then, build better engagement with personalized, tailored messages — or even create a series of custom messages that allow you to communicate and nurture customer relationships over time.



We call these autoresponders. You’ll call them amazing. SOCIAL CONNECTIONS Easily and quickly extend your reach and schedule posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, with iContact’s all-in-one marketing solution. Add social share buttons to your emails to amplify your messages. Use our tools to grow your list with a sign-up form on your Facebook page — and watch those followers turn into valuable new email contacts.

CONFIDENT SENDING When you work hard on a message, you want it to reach the inbox. Email sent through iContact doesn’t take detours: your messages won’t fall into spam traps or earn you a spot on ISP blacklists. We deliver your email when other service providers can’t. For additional confidence, we provide tracking data for your messages, so you can clearly see great email delivery in action, every time.

CLEAR REPORTING Tracking your messages shouldn’t be a chore. From big picture tracking, to keeping an eye on just one individual’s click behavior, our tools make understanding your vital stats simple. And our reports give you all the real-time data you need to create messages that convert — and boost the bottom line.

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